Plasmonic Light Emission by Inelastic Charge Transport in Ultrathin Zinc Oxide/Metal Heterostructures
Atomic-Precision Control of Plasmon-Induced Single-Molecule Switching in a Metal-Semiconductor Nanojunction
Single-molecule tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of C60 on the Si(111)-(7 × 7) surface
Sub-tip-radius near-field interactions in nano-FTIR vibrational spectroscopy on single proteins
On-surface synthesis of hydroxy-functionalized graphene nanoribbons through deprotection of methylenedioxy groups
Mechanically Induced Single-molecule Helicity Switching of Graphene-Nanoribbon-fused Helicene on Au(111)
A flat-lying dimer as a key intermediate in NO reduction on Cu(100)
Theoretical study on adsorption and reaction of polymeric formic acid on the Cu(111) surface
Role of intermolecular interactions in the catalytic reaction of formic acid on Cu(111)
Structure of one-dimensional monolayer Si nanoribbons on Ag(111)
Manipulable Metal Catalyst for Nanographene Synthesis
Intrinsic reconstruction of ice-I surfaces
Adsorption and valence electronic states of nitric oxide on metal surfaces
Small bandgap in atomically precise 17-atom-wide armchair-edged graphene nanoribbons
Quality control of on-surface-synthesised seven-atom wide armchair graphene nanoribbons
Detection of Spin Transfer from Metal to Molecule by Magnetoresistance Measurement
Characterization of Two- and One-dimensional Water Networks on Ni(111) by Atomic Force Microscopy
Realization of spin dependent functionality by covering a metal surface with a single layer of molecules
Torque-induced change in configuration of a single NO molecule on Cu(110)
Synthesis, Structures, and Properties of Core-Expanded Azacoronene Analogue: A Twisted π‑System with Two N‑Doped Heptagons
Enhanced resolution imaging of ultrathin ZnO layers on Ag(111) by multiple hydrogen molecules in a scanning tunneling microscope junction
Water-NO complex formation and chain growth on Cu(111)
Atomic-scale study of formation of sodium–water complexes on Cu(110)
Chiral Discrimination and Manipulation of Individual Heptahelicene Molecules on Cu(001) by Non-Contact Atomic Force Microscopy
Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy
Strain-induced skeletal rearrangement of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon on a copper surface
Reactivity of Nitric Oxide on Copper Surfaces: Elucidated by Direct Observation of Valence Orbitals
Ultrahigh-resolution imaging of water networks by atomic force microscopy
Mechanical properties on In/Si(111)-(8×2) investigated by atomic force microscopy
Local electronic structure, work function, and line defect dynamics of ultrathin epitaxial ZnO layers on a Ag(111) surface
Role of valence states of adsorbates in inelastic electron tunneling microscopy: a study of nitric oxide on Cu(110) and Cu(001)
Adsorption and reaction of H2S on Cu(110) studied using scanning tunneling microscopy
Real-space characterization of hydroxyphenyl porphyrin derivatives designed for single-molecule devices
Local Characterization of Ultrathin ZnO Layers on Ag(111) by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy
Formation of unique trimer of nitric oxide on Cu(111)
Configuration change of NO on Cu(110) as a function of temperature
Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Graphene Nanoribbons on Au(111)
Role of hydrogen bonding in the catalytic reduction of nitric oxide
Nature of hydrogen bonding in hydroxyl groups on a metal surface
Modifying current-voltage characteristic of a single molecule junction by isotope substitution: OHOD dimer on Cu(110)
H-atom Relay Reactions in Real Space
Imaging sequential dehydrogenation of methanol on Cu(110) with a scanning tunneling microscope
Imaging Covalent Bonding between Two NO Molecules on Cu(110)