Lattice Dynamics
Lattice Dynamics
Research Group Alexander Paarmann
Research Group Alexander Paarmann


Welcome to the Lattice Dynamics group website!

Our group is interested in optical phonons in polar dielectric crystals and their heterostructures. We use various linear and nonlinear mid-infrared to THz spectroscopy techniques, employing the Infrared Free Electron Laser (IR-FEL) at the FHI as an intense and tunable light source.

Using this unique laser, we study various problems ranging from infrared nanophotonics to phase transitions in complex oxides. Check out our research page and our recent publications for more information!

Alex goes YouTube
Jul 2020
Alex‘ talk about the groups research just appeared on YouTube. This seminar was part of Midi – Mid-Infrared Discussions – organized by Simone and Vincenco. Thanks, guys, this seminar series was a great idea.
Layer-Resolved Absorption Published
Apr 2020
Nikolai‘s paper on layer-resolved absorption in arbitrarily anisotropic and birefringent heterostructures was published in Phys. Rev. B. Thanks to Mathieu for this nice collaboration. Yay, Nikolai!
Mar 2020
Nikolai‘s paper on switchable polaritons just appeared in the special issue “Polaritons in Nanomaterials” in Advanced Optical Materials. In fact, the paper is featured on the front cover! Yay, Nikolai.
Absorption, layer resolved.
Feb 2020
Nikolai just submitted our new paper on calculation of absorption and transmittance for arbitrarily anisotropic multilayer systems. The paper is also on the arXiv, and we again publish a Matlab code with it. Thanks to Mathieu Jeannin for this collaboration.
New group member - Sören
Dec 2019
Sören has joined the team as a postdoc to work on sum-frequency generation microscopy. Welcome, Sören!