Welcome to the Lattice Dynamics group website!
Our group is interested in optical phonons in polar dielectric crystals and their heterostructures. We use various linear and nonlinear mid-infrared to THz spectroscopy techniques, employing the Infrared Free Electron Laser (IR-FEL) at the FHI as an intense and tunable light source.
Using this unique laser, we study various problems ranging from infrared nanophotonics to phase transitions in complex oxides. Check out our research page and our recent publications for more information!
Crystal hybrids!
Jun 2019

Chris just had the Crystal hybrid paper accepted in ACS Nano after long struggle. Thanks to Josh Caldwell for this very intense (and eventually successful) collaboration! And: yay, Chris!
Epsilon-near-zero Berreman SHG!
Jun 2019

Nikolai just had his work on enhancement of second harmonic generation from phononic epsilon-near-zero Berreman modes accepted in ACS Photonics. Congrats, Niko!
Our first SFG microscope!
May 2019

Riko just submitted a paper (arXiv link) demonstrating long-wave infrared-visible sum-frequency generation microscopy for the first time. Great work, Riko!
It's a feature, not a ...
Apr 2019

Chris just published a paper on the low-temperature infrared dielectric function of hyperbolic α-quartz in Phys. Rev. B which was selected as Editor’s Suggestion! Congrats, Chris!
Merry X-mas!
Dec 2018

Marcel just submitted his Masters Thesis at the TU Berlin. Congratulations, Marcel! And merry Christmas!