Lattice Dynamics
Lattice Dynamics
Research Group Alexander Paarmann
Research Group Alexander Paarmann


Welcome to the Lattice Dynamics group website!

Our group is interested in optical phonons in polar dielectric crystals and their heterostructures. We use various linear and nonlinear mid-infrared to THz spectroscopy techniques, employing the Infrared Free Electron Laser (IR-FEL) at the FHI as an intense and tunable light source.

Using this unique laser, we study various problems ranging from infrared nanophotonics to phase transitions in complex oxides. Check out our research page and our recent publications for more information!

First wide-field SFG microscope paper
Mar 2022
Richarda just had her very first paper published, our first publication from the new wide-field SFG microscope. Congratulations, Richarda!
Shear Polaritons in Nature!
Feb 2022
Nikolai‘s and Giulia‘s paper on hyperbolic shear polaritons in gallium oxide just appeared in Nature. Congrats! Fantastic work.
Welcome Dory!
Feb 2022
Dorothée just joined the group as a new Ph.D. student for a joint project on phonon-driven switching of ferroic states together with the THz Structural Dynamics group and Andrei Kirilyuk‘s group at Radboud university. Her project is part of the newly established Max [more...]
First SFG microscope paper submitted
Dec 2021
Richarda just submitted our first paper on infrared super-resolution wide-field microscopy using sum-frequency generation. You can find the preprint on the arXiv. Congrats, Richarda!
Nikolai is gone
Sep 2021
After almost 6 years doing his MSc., PhD. and a final post-doc phase, Nikolai has left the group for greener fields in industry. We wish you all the best! You will be dearly missed …