Welcome to the Lattice Dynamics group website!
Our group is interested in optical phonons in polar dielectric crystals and their heterostructures. We use various linear and nonlinear mid-infrared to THz spectroscopy techniques, employing the Infrared Free Electron Laser (IR-FEL) at the FHI as an intense and tunable light source.
Using this unique laser, we study various problems ranging from infrared nanophotonics to phase transitions in complex oxides. Check out our research page and our recent publications for more information!
Richarda thesis submitted
Dec 2023

Polaritons go leaky
May 2023

Giulia‘s and Sören‘s paper on Leaky Polaritons just got published, congratulations! This was a very nice collaborative work together with Peining Li and Andrea Alú, thanks so much!
Niclas joined the group
May 2023

Niclas Sven Müller joined the group as a new postdoc. He is an expert in strong coupling phenomena, and we are looking forward to working with him very much. Welcome!
New Visitor - Gonzalo
Apr 2023

Gonzalo Alvarez-Perez, a senior Ph.D. student with Pablo Alonso-Gonzalez at the University of Oviedo, Spain, just joined the group as for a 3-months visit. Love having you here!
The group pictured and Sören gone
Dec 2022