PhD Theses
Fellows, A.P.; Díaz Duque, A.; Balos, V.; Lehmann, L.; Netz, R.R.; Wolf, M.; Thämer, M.
Sum-Frequency Generation Spectroscopy of Aqueous Interfaces: The Role of Depth and Its Impact on Spectral Interpretation
J. Phys. Chem. C 2024, - [link]
A. Alostaz, O. Gueckstock, J. Tong, J. Kredl. Chihun In, M. Münzenberg, C. M. Schneider, T. Kampfrath, T. S. Seifert
Tunable ultrabroadband hybrid terahertz emitter combining a spintronic and a GaSe source
Appl. Phys. Let. 125, 212402 - [link]
Aeschlimann, M., J.P. Bange, M. Bauer, U. Bovensiepen, H.-J. Elmers, T. Fauster, L. Gierster, U. Höfer, R. Huber, A. Li, X. Li, S. Mathias, K. Morgenstern, H. Petek, M. Reutzel, K. Rossnagel, G. Schönhense, M. Scholz, B. Stadtmüller, J. Stähler, S. Tan, B. Wang, Z. Wang und M. Weinelt
Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy at surfaces
Surf. Sci. 753, 122631 - [link]
A. P. Fellows, B. John, M. Wolf, M. Thämer
Extracting the Heterogeneous 3D Structure of Molecular Films Using Higher Dimensional SFG Microscopy
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 15, 10849–10857 - [link]
H. Jung, S. Dong, D. Zahn, T. Vasileiadis, H. Seiler, R. Schneider, S. Michaelis de Vasconcellos, V.C.A. Taylor, R. Bratschitsch, R. Ernstorfer, Y. W. Windsor:
Element-Specific Ultrafast Lattice Dynamics in Monolayer WSe<sub>2</sub>
Nano Lett., 24, 13671 - [link]
S.-E. Lee, Y.W. Windsor, D. Zahn, A. Kraiker, K. Kummer, K. Kliemt, C. Krellner, C. Schüßler-Langeheine, N. Pontius, U. Staub, D.V. Vyalikh, A. Ernst, L. Rettig
Controlling 4⁢𝑓 antiferromagnetic dynamics via itinerant electronic susceptibility
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 043019 - [link]
D. S. Mader; R. Niemann; M. Wolf; S. F. Maehrlein; A. Paarmann
Sum-frequency generation spectro-microscopy in the reststrahlen band of wurtzite-type aluminum nitride
J. Chem. Phys. 161, 094706 - [link]
Fellows, A.P. ; Díaz Duque, A.; Balos, V.; Lehmann, L.; Netz, R.R.; Wolf, M.; Thämer, M.
How Thick is the Air–Water Interface?─A Direct Experimental Measurement of the Decay Length of the Interfacial Structural Anisotropy
Langmuir 40, 18760-18772 - [link]
A. Vaitsi, V. Sleziona, L. E. Parra López, Y. Behovits, F. Schulz, N. Martín Sabanés, T. Kampfrath, M. Wolf, T. S. Seifert, M. Müller
Rotating spintronic terahertz emitter optimized for microjoule pump-pulse energies and megahertz repetition rates
Appl. Phys. Lett. 125, 071107 - [link]
Y. Park, I. Hamada, A. Hammud, T. Kumagai, M. Wolf, A. Shiotari
Atomic-precision control of plasmon-induced single-molecule switching in a metal–semiconductor nanojunction
Nat. Commun. 15, 6709 - [link]
B. Cirera, S. Liu, Y. Park, I. Hamada, M. Wolf, A. Shiotari, T. Kumagai
Single-molecule tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of C<sub>60</sub> on the Si(111)-(7 × 7) surface
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2924 - [link]
S. Bauer, P. Benner, T. Bereau, V. Blum, M. Boley, C. Carbogno, R. Catlow, G. Dehm, S. Eibl, R. Ernstorfer, Á. Fekete, L. Foppa, P. Fratzl, C. Freysoldt, B. Gault, L. M Ghiringhelli, Sajal K Giri, A. Gladyshev, P. Goyal, J. Hattrick-Simpers, L. Kabalan, P. Karpov, M. S Khorrami, CT Koch, S. Kokott, T. Kosch, I. Kowalec, K. Kremer, A. Leitherer, Y. Li, C. H Liebscher, A. Logsdail, Z. Lu, F. Luong, A. Marek, F. Merz, J. R. Mianroodi, J. Neugebauer, Z.i Pei, T. AR Purcell, D. Raabe, M. Rampp, M. Rossi, J. M M. Rost, J. E Saal, U. Saalmann, K. N, Sasidhar, A. Saxena, L. Sbailo, M. Scheidgen, M. Schloz, D. Schmidt, S. Teshuva, A. Trunschke, Y. Wei, G. Weikum, R P. Xian, Y. Yao, J. Yin, M. Zhao, M. Scheffler
Roadmap on data-centric materials science
Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 32, 063301 - [link]
S. Beaulieu, S. Dong, V. Christiansson, P. Werner, T. Pincelli, J. D. Ziegler, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, A. Chernikov, M. Wolf, L. Rettig, R. Ernstorfer, M. Schüler
Berry curvature signatures in chiroptical excitonic transitions
Sci. adv. 10, adk3897 - [link]
R. Rouzegar, M. A Wahada, A. L. Chekhov, W. Hoppe, G. Bierhance, J Jechumtál, L. Nádvorník, M. Wolf, T. S. Seifert, S. S. P. Parkin, G. Woltersdorf, P. W. Brouwer, T. Kampfrath.
Terahertz Spin-Conductance Spectroscopy: Probing Coherent and Incoherent Ultrafast Spin Tunneling
Nano Lett. 24, 7852–7860 - [link]
R. Niemann, N. S. Mueller, S. Wasserroth, G. Lu, M. Wolf, J. D. Caldwell, A. Paarmann
Spectroscopic and Interferometric Sum-Frequency Imaging of Strongly Coupled Phonon Polaritons in SiC Metasurfaces
Adv. Mater. 2024, 2312507 - [link]
L. Gierster, O. Turkina, J.-C. Deinert, S. Vempati, E. Baeta, Y. Garmshausen, S. Hecht, C. Draxl, J. Stähler
Right On Time: Ultrafast Charge Separation Before Hybrid Exciton Formation
Adv. Sci. 2403765 - [link]
J. Jechumtál, R. Rouzegar, O. Gueckstock, C. Denker, W. Hoppe, Q. Remy, T. S. Seifert, P. Kubaščík, G. Woltersdorf, P. W. Brouwer, M. Münzenberg, T. Kampfrath, L. Nádvorník
Accessing ultrafast spin-transport dynamics in copper using broadband terahertz spectroscopy
Phys. Rev. Let. 132, 226703 - [link]
H Pfnür, C Tegenkamp, S Sanna, E Jeckelmann, M Horn-von Hoegen, U Bovensiepen, N Esser, WG Schmidt, M Dähne, S Wippermann, F Bechstedt, M Bode, R Claessen, R Ernstorfer, C Hogan, M Ligges, A Pucci, J Schäfer, E Speiser, M Wolf, J Wollschläger
Atomic wires on substrates: Physics between one and two dimensions
Surf. Sci. Rep. 79, 100629 - [link]
S. Bauer, P. Benner, T. Bereau, V. Blum, M. Boley, C. Carbogno, R. Catlow, G. Dehm, S. Eibl, R. Ernstorfer, Á. Fekete, L. Foppa, P Fratzl, C. Freysoldt, B. Gault, L. M. Ghiringhelli, S. K. Giri, A. Gladyshev, P. Goyal, J. Hattrick-Simpers, L. Kabalan, P. Karpov, M. S. Khorrami, C T Koch, S. Kokott, T. Kosch, I. Kowalec, K. Kremer, A. Leitherer, Y. LI, Christian H. Liebscher, A. Logsdail, Z. Lu, F. Luong, A. Marek, F. Merz, J. R. Mianroodi, J. Neugebauer, Z. Pei, T. A. R. Purcell, D. Raabe, M. Rampp, M. Rossi, J. M. M. Rost, J. E. Saal, U. Saalmann, K. N. Sasidhar, A. Saxena, L. Sbailo, M. Scheidgen, M. Schloz, D. Schmidt, S. Teshuva, A. Trunschke, Y. Wei, G. Weikum, R. P. Xian, Y Yao, J. Yin, M. Zhao and M. Scheffl
Roadmap on Data-Centric Materials Science
Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. - [link]
A.P. Fellöws, B. John, M. Wolf, M. Thämer
Spiral packing and chiral selectivity in model membranes probed by phase-resolved sum-frequency generation microscopy
Nat Commun 15, 3161 - [link]
O. Gueckstock, N. Stojanovic, Y. Ha, T. Hagelschuer, A. Denker, G. Kourkafas, T. S. Seifert, T. Kampfrath, M. Gensch
Radiation hardness of ultrabroadband spintronic terahertz emitters: En-route to a space-qualified terahertz time-domain gas spectrometer
Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 141103 - [link]
M. Frenzel, J. M. Urban, L. Nest, T. Kampfrath, M. S. Spencer, S. F. Maehrlein
Quartz as an accurate high-field low-cost THz helicity detector
Optica 11, 362-370 - [link]
R. Kiessling, M. Wolf, A. Paarmann
Spectral narrowing of a phonon resonance in time-domain sum-frequency spectroscopy
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013066 - [link]
J. Nishida, A. Otomo, T. Koitaya, A. Shiotari, T. Minato, R. Iino, T. Kumagai
Sub-Tip-Radius Near-Field Interactions in Nano-FTIR Vibrational Spectroscopy on Single Proteins
Nano Lett. 2024, 24, 3, 836–843 - [link]
X. R. Advincula, E. H. G. Backus, T. Bartels-Rausch, S. Benaglia, G. B. Ari, K. E. Blow, M. Bonn, A. T. Bui, S. J. Cox, F. Della Pia, U. Diebold, A. R. Finney, G. Franceschi, L. Fumagalli, G. Goel, J. A. Hayton, C. Holdship, Y. Jiang, D. Jin, V Kapil, N. Kavokine, K. Koga, D. Laage, M. Lahav, S Miao, A. Michaelides, N. Mohandas, K. Morgenstern, T. Mukherjee, Y. Nagata, M. O. de la Cruz, D. Pan, P. M. Piaggi, S. L. B. Rempe, P. Ryan, C. G. Salzmann, T. Sayer, R. J. Saykally, M. Shepelenko, G. C. Sosso, T. F. Whale, J. J. White, A. P. Willard, P. Zhang
Ice interfaces: general discussion
Faraday Discuss., 249, 133 (2024) - [link]