Physikalische Chemie - Direktor: Prof. Dr. Martin Wolf
Department Seminar
Host: Sam Beaulieau
Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 11:00 am
All are invited to meet around 10:40 am for a chat with coffee & cookies.
PC Seminar Room, G 2.06, Faradayweg 4
François Légaré
INRS-EMT, Montreal
Ultrafast Science and Technologies at ALLS
The Advanced Laser Light Source (ALLS) is located at INRS-ÉMT near Montreal. It is the national laser facility of Canada offering access to a variety of laser systems and secondary sources. We have access to a 750TW Titanium-Sapphire laser system and the facility will be soon upgraded with sub-kW Ytterbium laser systems including a 500W unit operating at 1kHz repetition rate. Over recent years, I have used this facility to develop a set of unique tools to study ultrafast dynamics in molecules and solids. In my talk, I will present pulse compression with the stretched hollow-core fiber approach enabling two-cycle pulses with sub-TW peak power at 1.8 microns. To increase the peak power, I am going to discuss Frequency domain Optical Parametric Amplification and the capability of this approach to generate CEP stable mid-IR laser pulses. Furthermore, in the near future, using the sub-kW Ytterbium laser systems, the performances of these laser sources will be upscaled. In parallel, we capitalize on these developments to push table-top X-ray sources using high harmonic generation, enabling beamlines capable of Resonant X-ray Magnetic Scattering (RXMS) for time-resolved spectroscopy with element specificity. We use them to track ultrafast magnetization dynamics at the M-edge of Cobalt (60 eV) and at the N-edge of Terbium (155 eV).