Prof. Dr. Martin Wolf
Director of the Department of Physical Chemistry since July 2008, and leader of the Dynamics of Correlated Materials group from 2012 until 2015
Phone: +49 30 8413-5111
Fax: +49 30 8413-5106
Month&Year | Function | Institution |
July 2008 | Director | Department of Physical Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin |
Oct. 2000 | Full professor | Department of Physics, Freie Universität Berlin |
Nov. 1998 | Dr. habil. experimental physics | Freie Universität Berlin |
Autumn 1993 | Visiting scientist | IBM Yorcktown Heights (Prof. Tony Heinz) |
since 1992 | Research staff | Fritz-Haber-Institut d. MPG (Prof. Gerhard Ertl) |
1991-1992 | Postdoc | University of Texas at Austin (Prof. Mike White) |
Feb. 1991 | PhD experimental physics | Fritz-Haber-Institut d. MPG & Freie Universität Berlin |
Feb. 1988 | Diploma theoretical physics | Freie Universität Berlin |
Month&Year | Name | Description |
2011 | Honorary Professor | Freie Universität Berlin |
2010 | Honorary Professor | Technische Universität Berlin |
June 1999 | Heisenberg-Stipendium | Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) |
Feb. 1998 | Karl Scheel Prize | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) |
March 1993 | Research Fellowship | Arthur-von-Gwinner-Stiftung |
June 1992 | Reimar-Lüst-Stipendium | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft |
June 1991 | Carl Ramsauer Prize | AEG |
March 1991 | Feodor Lynen Fellowship | Alexander von Humboldt Foundation |