Director of the Dept. of Physical Chemistry 1986 – 2004
Email: ertl@fhi-berlin.mpg.de

Month&Year | Function | Institution |
2004 – now | Professor emeritus | Department of Physical Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin |
1986-2004 | Director | Department of Physical Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin |
1981-1982 | Visiting Professor | Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley |
1979 | Visiting Professor | Dept. of Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena |
1973-1986 | Professor & Director | Institute for Physical Chemistry, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich |
1968-1973 | Professor & Director | Institute for Physical Chemistry, Technical University, Hannover (presently Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University) |
1965-1968 | Assistant & Lecturer | Assistant & Lecturer |
1962-1965 | Technical University, Munich: Dr. rer. nat in 1965 | |
1959-1961 | Technical University, Stuttgart: Dipl. Phys. in 1961 | |
1958-1959 | Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich | |
1957-1958 | University of Paris | |
1955-1957 | Technical University, Stuttgart | |
1936 | born | October 10, in Stuttgart, Germany |
The Ertl Lecture Award was established in 2008 by the three Berlin universities (Humboldt University, Technical University and Free University) and the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society and is awarded once a year. It commemorates former FHI Director Gerhard Ertl’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry, which he received in 2007. The prize honours outstanding personalities and researchers in the field of catalysis where Ertl carried out exceptional research for many decades. The prize, sponsored by BASF, includes a one-week research stay at the participating Berlin institutions and a keynote lecture. The winner is typically announced in Spring, the lecture takes place on December 10th, the anniversary of Ertl’s Nobel Prize reception.
For more information and an up-to-date list of awardees please visit the institute’s Gerhard Ertl Lecture & Award website: https://www.fhi.mpg.de/gerhard-ertl-lecture-award
The purpose of the Gerhard Ertl Young Investigator Award of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft is to annually recognize an individual for his or her outstanding research in surface science. The journal Surface Science through Elsevier Scientific Publishing is the official sponsor of the award.
2020 | … | |
2019 | Sören Ulstrup | Aarhus University |
2018 | Mie Andersen | Technische Universität München |
2017 | Stefan Förster | Jülich Center for Neutron Science |
2016 | Takashi Kumagai | FHI Berlin, PC Department |
2015 | Jay Weymouth | Universtät Regensburg |
2014 | Christoph Rameshan | Technische Universität Wien |
2013 | Phil King | Cornell Univ. – since 2013 St. Andres Univ. |
2012 | Alexander Ako Khajetoorians | Hamburg Univ. – since 2014 Radboud Univ. Nijmegen |
2011 | Alexandre Tkatchenko | FHI Berlin – since 2015 Univ. of Luxembourg |
2010 | Leo Gross | IBM RESEARCH – Zurich |
Year | Designation | Organization |
2015 | Hall of Fame der deutschen Forschung | Manager Magazin |
2014 | Bayerischer Maximiliansorden | Prime Minister of Bavaria |
2012 | Gerhard Ertl Center | Technische Universität Berlin |
2011 | TUM Distinguished Affiliated Professor | Technische Universität München |
2011 | Dr. honoris causa | University of Technology and Life Sciences, Bydgoszcz |
2010 | Barsanti & Matteucci Award | City of Pietrosanta |
2010 | Laurea honoris causa | Università di Pisa |
2009 | Bohlmann Lecture | Technische Universität Berlin |
2009 | Dr. honoris causa | Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin |
2009 | Dr. honoris causa | Comenius University, Bratislava |
2009 | Dr. honoris causa | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
2008 | Ertl Center for Electrochemistry and Catalysis | Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, S. Korea |
2008 | IGS Gerhard Ertl | Integrierte Gesamtschule mit gymnasialer Oberstufe, Sprendlingen, Rheinhessen |
2008 | Diesel Gold Medal | Deutsches Institut für Erfindungswesen |
2008 | Nicolaus Copernicus Medal | Polish Academy of Sciences |
2008 | Großes Bundesverdienstkreuz mit Stern | President of the Federal Republic of Germany |
2008 | Dr. honoris causa | Technische Universität München |
2008 | Dr. honoris causa | Queen’s University Belfast |
2008 | Verdienstmedaille | Land Baden-Württemberg |
2007 | Nobel Prize in Chemistry | The Nobel Prize Foundation |
2007 | Otto-Hahn-Preis | Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, & the City of Frankfurt/M |
2007 | Gold Medal | Slovak Chemical Society |
2007 | Baker Lectureship | Cornell University, Ithaca (NY) |
2007 | Faraday Lectureship | Royal Society of Chemistry |
2006 | Guptill Lecture | Dalhousie University, Halifax |
2005 | Angström Lecture | University of Uppsala |
2005 | Linus Pauling Lecture | California Institute of Technology |
2003 | Dr. honoris causa | University of Aarhus |
2003 | Dr. honoris causa | Chalmers University of Technology, Goeteborg |
2003 | Dr. honoris causa | University of Leuven |
2002 | FMC Lectureship | Princeton University |
2002 | Karl Ziegler Visiting Professor | Max Planck Institute Mulheim |
2002 | Spiers Memorial Medal and Lectureship | Royal Society of Chemistry |
2001 | G.F. Smith Lecture | University of Illinois, Urbana |
2001 | Kelly Lecture | Purdue University |
2001 | Schuit Lecture | Technical University of Eindhoven |
2001 | Pitzer Lecture | University of California, Berkeley |
2000 | Dr. honoris causa | University of Münster |
1999 | Roessler Lectureship | Cornell University |
1999 | Le Bel Lecture | Université de Strasbourg |
1999 | Debye Lecture | Universiteit Utrecht |
1998 | Wolf Prize in Chemistry | Wolf Foundation |
1998 | Karl Ziegler Prize | German Chemical Society |
1998 | Francois Gault Lectureship | European Catalysis Society |
1998 | M. Curie Lectureship | Polish Chemical Society |
1997 | Laird Lecture | University of British Columbia |
1997 | A.D. Little Lectureship | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
1996 | Honorary Professor | Humboldt University Berlin |
1996 | Carl Engler Medal | German Scientific Society for Coal and Petroleum Research (DGMK) |
1996 | Merck Lecture | Rutgers University |
1996 | Brdicka Lecture | Czech Academy of Sciences |
1995 | Medard W. Welch Award | American Vacuum Society |
1995 | Stauffer Lecture | University of Southern California |
1994 | Rolf Sammet Visiting Professor | University of Frankfurt |
1992 | Hewlett-Packard Europhysics Prize | European Physical Society |
1992 | Japan Prize | Science and Technology Foundation of Japan |
1992 | Bunsen Medal | German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry |
1992 | Dr. Honoris Causa | Ruhr-University of Bochum |
1992 | Großes Bundesverdienstkreuz | President of the Federal Republic of Germany |
1992 | Kolthoff Lectureship | University of Minnesota |
1992 | Kaufman Memorial Lecture | University of Pittsburgh |
1991 | Leibniz Prize | German Science Foundation |
1991 | Bourke Medal and Lectureship | Royal Society of Chemistry |
1990 | Alwin Mittasch Medal | German Federation of Chemical Engineers (DECHEMA) |
1990 | Dow Lectureship | University of Western Ontario |
1990 | Coover Lecture | Iowa State University |
1989 | Frontiers in Chemical Research Lectureship | Texas A&M University |
1988 | William Draper Harkins Lecture | University of Chicago |
1988 | Barre Lecture | University of Montreal |
1987 | Liebig Medal | German Chemical Society |
1986 | Honorary Professor | Free University of Berlin |
1986 | Honorary Professor | Technical University of Berlin |
1986 | Langmuir Lecture | American Chemical Society |
1985 | C.F. Gauss Medal | Scientific Society of Braunschweig |
1985 | Centenary Medal and Lectureship | Royal Society of Chemistry |
1985 | C.G.A. Schuit Lecture | University of Delaware |
1984 | FECS Lecture | Federation of European Chemical Societies |
1984 | Industry Lecture | Norwegian Chemical Society |
1979 | Paul H. Emmett Award in Fundamental Catalysis | American Catalysis Society |
1979 | E.W. Müller Award | University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
1977 | Frank Ciapetta National Lectureship | American Catalysis Society |
1976 | Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Scholar | California Institute of Technology |
Since | Position | Organization |
2012 | Honorary Member | German Physical Society |
2011 | Foreign Member | Russian Academy of Sciences |
2010 | Honorary Member | Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften |
2010 | Member | Pontificia Academia Scientiarium |
2010 | Foreign Member | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences |
2009 | Foreign Member | Polish Academy of Sciences |
2009 | Honorary Member | Technische Universität Berlin |
2009 | Honorary Member | Deutscher Hochschulverband |
2008 | Honorary Member | Dechema (German Society of Chemical Technology) |
2008 | Honorary Member | GDCh (German Chemical Society) |
2008 | Honorary Member | Berliner Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft |
2008 | Honorary Member | European Academy of Sciences and Art |
2008 | Honorary Member | Physikalischer Verein, Frankfurt a.M. |
2007 | Honorary Fellow | Royal Society of Chemistry |
2006 | Honorary Member | Royal Society of Chemistry |
2002 | Foreign Associate | National Academy of Sciences |
2001 | Corresponding Member | Austrian Academy of Sciences |
1998 | Corresponding Member | Bavarian Academy of Sciences |
1993 | Member | Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences |
1993 | Foreign Honorary Member | American Academy of Arts and Sciences |
1993 | Corresponding Member | Nordrhein.-Westfal. Academy of Sciences |
1992 | Member | Academia Europaea |
1986 | Corresponding Member | Scientific Society of Braunschweig |
1986 | Member | German Academy of Sciences, “Leopoldina” |
1985 | Honorary Fellow | Royal Society of Edinburgh |