Welcome to the THz Structural Dynamics group …
We, the team of the new THz structural dynamics group, are obviously fascinated about structural dynamics. Why that? Material properties and chemical reactions are fundamentally determined by the spatial arrangement of atoms, ions or molecules. If we can modulate or change this spatial structure on ultrafast time scales, we can control properties on demand or even discover new material features. For this, we generate highly intense and phase stable laser pulses in the THz and midinfrared spectral range, which enable us to coherently drive specific structural dynamics on their fundamental time and energy scales. Furthermore, we want to explore tailored lattice trajectories, which may help to steer solids into hidden states. Currently, we are focusing on phonon anharmonicities, molecular orientations in solids and dynamically disordered systems.
Feel free to roam through our fields of research, follow us @sfmaehrlein | @sfmaehrlein@det.social or contact us any time. We acknowledge additional external funding from …
Latest news …

Details of his talk can be found in our new preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.08286

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M. Frenzel, M. Cherasse et al., “Nonlinear THz Control of the Lead Halide Perovskite Lattice”, Science Adv. (2023)

See further news coverage by Forbes, l’X, and .. [more...]

What a pleasure to have you with us, Joanna!
Joanna’s fun fact: She is clearly our group’s language guru; try to speak a number of European languages with her!

M. Cherasse et. al., “Electron Dynamics in Hybrid Perovskites Reveal the Role of Organic Cations on the Screening of Local Charges”, ACS Nano Lett. (2022)

Dorothée’s fun fact: She not only masters chiral distortions on the macroscopic, but also on the human length scale.

Dynamique des électrons et du réseaux dans les perovskites hybrides et quasi-2D ? …stay tuned