Dr. William Windsor

Dr. William Windsor
email: windsor@fhi-berlin.mpg.de
phone: +49 (0)30 8413-5133
Department of Physical Chemistry
Fritz Haber Institute
Faradayweg 4-6
14195 Berlin
Study of ultrafast laser-induced variations in (super)lattices: femtosecond X-ray and electron diffraction studies of condensed matter, focusing on lattice, spin, and electron dynamics.
Self-proclaimed antiferromagnet aficionado.
ORCID: 0000-0001-6371-5837
Google Scholar: rMUiAiMAAAAJ
Selected publications
1 | Exchange scaling of ultrafast angular momentum transfer in 4f antiferromagnets | Y. W. Windsor, S.-E. Lee, D. Zahn, V. Borisov, D. Thonig, K. Kliemt, A. Ernst, C. Schüßler-Langeheine, N. Pontius, U. Staub, C. Krellner, D.V. Vyalikh, O. Eriksson, L. Rettig | Nature Materials 21, 514–517 (2022) |
2 | Exchange-striction driven ultrafast nonthermal lattice dynamics in NiO | Y. W. Windsor, D. Zahn, R. Kamrla, J. Feldl, H. Seiler, C.-T. Chiang, M. Ramsteiner, W. Widdra, R. Ernstorfer, L. Rettig | Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 147202 (2021) |
3 | Nonequilibrium Charge-Density-Wave Order Beyond the Thermal Limit | J. Maklar, Y. W. Windsor, C.W. Nicholson, M. Puppin, P. Walmsley, V. Esposito, M. Porer, J. Rittmann, D. Leuenberger, M. Kubli, M. Savoini, E. Abreu, S.L. Johnson, P. Beaud, G. Ingold, U. Staub, I.R. Fisher, R. Ernstorfer, M. Wolf, L. Rettig | Nat. Commun. 12, 2499 (2021) |
4 | Deterministic control of an antiferromagnetic spin arrangement using ultrafast optical excitation | Y. W. Windsor, A. Ernst, K. Kummer, K. Kliemt, Ch. Schüßler-Langeheine, N. Pontius, U. Staub, E. V. Chulkov, C. Krellner, D. V. Vyalikh & L. Rettig | Commun. Physics 3, 139 (2020) |
5 | Anisotropic Nonequilibrium Lattice Dynamics of Black Phosphorus | D. Zahn, P. Hildebrandt, T. Vasileiadis, Y. W. Windsor, Y. Qi, H. Seiler, R. Ernstorfer | Nano Lett. 20, 5, 3728–3733 (2020) |
6 | Magnetic properties of strained multiferroic CoCr2O4: A soft x-ray study | Y. W. Windsor, C. Piamonteze, M. Ramakrishnan, A. Scaramucci, L. Rettig, J. A. Huever, E. M. Bothschafter, N. S. Bingham, A. Alberca, S. R. V. Avula, B. Noheda, U. Staub | Phys. Rev. B 95, 224413 (2017) |
7 | Multiferroic Properties of o-LuMnO3 Controlled by b-Axis Strain | Y. W. Windsor, S. W. Huang, Y. Hu, L. Rettig, A. Alberca, K. Shimamoto, V. Scagnoli, T. Lippert, C. W. Schneider, U. Staub | Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 167202 (2014) |
Short Curriculum Vitae
Date | Function | Institution |
2021 – | Scientist | TU Berlin and Fritz Haber Institute Research Group Structural & Electronic Surface Dynamics, and Institute for Optics and Atomic Physics (IOAP) Prof. Ralph Ernstorfer |
2017-2021 | Postdoctoral Researcher | Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society Research Group Dynamics of Correlated Materials, Dr. Laurenz Rettig |
2012-2016 | Ph.D Physics | ETH Zurich Group of Dr. Urs Staub (Paul Scherrer Institute) Co-Supervised by Prof. Steven Johnson (ETH) |
2012 | M.Sc. Physics | Tel Aviv University Group of Prof. Alexander Gerber, Summa Cum Lauda |