Nikolai Paßler

Nikolai Paßler
MSc. student (11/2015-11/2016),
PhD student (11/2016-11/2020),
Postdoc (10/2020-08/2021)
Department of Physical Chemistry
Fritz Haber Institute
Faradayweg 4-6
14195 Berlin
Nikolai Paßler studied physics at the Freie Universität Berlin (2011-2016). For his Master’s thesis, he went to the Fritz Haber Institute, where he started to work in the Lattice Dynamics Group and graduated on the “Excitation of surface phonon polaritons with an infrared free electron laser“.
In continuation, he started his work as a Ph.D. candidate on surface phonon polaritons in polar dielectric heterostructures. His current research interests include ultra-thin film phonon polaritons, epsilon-near-zero nanophotonics , and polariton-like waveguide modes.