We currently have an open position for:
Master thesis: Broadband time-domain terahertz spectroscopy of water
Peculiarities of water emanate from its ability to form hydrogen (H) bonds.The natural motions of the H-bond network of water are located in the THz frequency range. Therefore, THz spectroscopy can yield fundamental information regarding the dynamics and the structure of H-bond network of water.
We will use spectrally ultra-broad THz pulses (0.5-40 THz) to measure the linear response of liquid water as function of temperature down to the “super-cooled” zone, thereby allowing us to resolve the build-up of water intermolecular interactions.
Dr. Mohsen Sajadi
THz-Driven Molecular Dynamics Group
Department of Physical Chemistry
Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max Planck Society
Faradayweg 4-6, 14195 Berlin, Germany