
Prof. Karsten Horn PhD

Building: D / 1st floor, room 1.06

Tel: 030 / 8413-5640
0172 812 8025
Fax: 030 / 8413-5603

E-mail: horn@fhi-berlin.mpg.de

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- Andrew L. Walter, Hasan Sahin, Jun Kang, Ki-Joon Jeon, Aaron Bostwick, Seyda Horzum, Luca Moreschini, Young Jun Chang, Francois M. Peeters, Karsten Horn, Eli Rotenberg: A new family of Graphene-based organic semiconductors: An investigation of photon induced electronic structure manipulation in half-fluorinated graphene. Phys. Rev. B 93, 075439(2016).
- S. K. Mahatha, P. Moras, P. M. Sheverdyaeva, R. Flammini, K. Horn and C. Carbone: Evidence for a diamond-like electronic band structure of Si multilayers on Ag(111). Phys. Rev. B 92, 245127 (2015).
- C. Nicholson, C. Monney, U. Krieg, C. Tegenkamp, H. Pfnuer, K. Horn, M. Wolf: "Electronic structure of self-assembled Ag nanowires on Si(557): spectroscopic evidence for dimensionality", New J. Phys. 17, 093025 (2015).
- F. Bisti, G. Profeta, H. Vita, M. Donarelli, F. Perrozzi, P.M. Sheverdyaeva, P. Moras, K. Horn, L. Ottaviano: "Electronic and geometric structure of graphene/SiC(0001) decoupled by lithium intercalation.", Phys. Rev. B 91, 245411 (2015).
- S. Böttcher, H. Vita, K. Horn: "Photon-induced oxidation of graphene/Ir(111) by SO2 adsorption.", Surf. Sci. 641, 305309 (2015).
- J. Nayak, M. Maniraj, A. Gloskovskii, M. Krajčí, S. Sebastian, I.R. Fisher, K. Horn, and S.R. Barman: "Bulk electronic structure of Zn-Mg-Y and Zn-Mg-Dy icosahedral quasicrystals", Phys. Rev. B 91, 235116 (2015).
- V. Palermo, A. La Magna, A. Helman, R. Hurt, K. Horn, and S.R. Barman: "Announcement of a special virtual issue on the EuroGRAPHENE program", Carbon 85, 450451 (2015).
- A.L. Walter, H. Sahin, K.-J. Jeon, A. Bostwick, S. Horzum, R. Koch, F. Speck, M. Ostler, P. Nagel, M. Merz, S. Schupler, L. Moreschini, Y.J. Chang, T. Seyller, F.M. Peeters, K. Horn, E. Rotenberg: "Luminescence, Patterned Metallic Regions, and Photon-Mediated Electronic Changes in Single-Sided Fluorinated Graphene Sheets", ACS Nano 8, 78017808 (2014).
- J. Martínez-Blanco, B. Walter, A. Mascaraque, K. Horn: "Long-Range Order in an Organic Overlayer Induced by Surface Reconstruction: Coronene on Ge(111)", J. Phys. Chem. C 118, 1169911703 (2014).
- M. Maniraj, A. Rai, S.R. Barman, M. Krajčí, D.L. Schlagel, T.A. Lograsso, K. Horn: "Unoccupied electronic states of icosahedral Al-Pd-Mn quasicrystals: Evidence of image potential resonance and pseudogap", Phys. Rev. B 90, 115407 (2014).
- H. Vita, S. Böttcher, P. Leicht, K. Horn, A. B. Shick, and F. Máca: "Electronic structure and magnetic properties of cobalt intercalated in graphene on Ir(111)", Phys. Rev. B 90, 165432 (2014).
- H. Vita, S. Böttcher, K. Horn, E. N. Voloshina, R. E. Ovcharenko, Th. Kampen, A. Thissen & Yu. S. Dedkov: "Understanding the origin of band gap formation in graphene on metals: graphene on Cu/Ir(111)", Scientific Reports 4, 5704 (2014).
- Ostler, M., F. Fromm, R.J. Koch, P. Wehrfritz, F. Speck, H. Vita, S. Böttcher, K. Horn, & T. Seyller: "Buffer layer free graphene on SiC(0001) via interface oxidation in water vapor", Carbon, 70, 258-265 (2014).
- S. Böttcher, H. Vita, K. Horn: "Reversible photon-induced oxidation of graphene by NO2 adsorption", Surf. Sci. 621, 117122 (2014).
- A.L. Walter, A. Bostwick, F. Speck, M. Ostler, Y. S. Kim, Y. J. Chang, L. Moreschini, D. Innocenti, Th. Seyller, K. Horn, and E. Rotenberg: "Small scale rotational disorder observed in epitaxial graphene on SiC(0001)", New J. Phys. 15, 023019 (2013).
- Y.J. Chang, L. Moreschini, A. Bostwick, G.A. Gaines, Y.S. Kim, A.L. Walter, B. Freelon, A. Tebano, K. Horn, and E. Rotenberg: "Electronic Instability in a Zero-Gap Semiconductor: The Charge-Density Wave in (TaSe4)2I", Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 126401 (2013).
- Nayak, J., M. Maniraj, A. Rai, S. Singh, P. Rajput, A. Gloskovskii, J. Zegenhagen, D.L. Schlagel, T.A. Lograsso, K. Horn, and S.R. Barman,
Bulk Electronic Structure of Quasicrystals, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 216403 (2012).
- Yu. S. Dedkov, K. Horn, A. Preobrajenski, and M. Fonin,
"Epitaxial Graphene on Metals". In: H. Raza (ed.), , pp. 189234. Springer, Berlin (2012), ISBN: 978-3-642-22984-8
- J. Martínez-Blanco, A. Mascaraque, Yu. S. Dedkov, K. Horn,
Ge(001) As a Template for Long-Range Assembly of π-Stacked Coronene Rows, Langmuir, 28, 38403844 (2012)
- M. Sicot, Ph. Leicht, A. Zusan, S. Bouvron, O. Zander, M. Weser, Yu. S. Dedkov, K. Horn and M. Fonin,
Size-Selected Epitaxial Nanoislands Underneath Graphene Moiré on Rh(111), ACS Nano, 6, 151158 (2012)
- A.L. Walter, A. Bostwick, K.-J. Jeon, F. Speck, M. Ostler, Th. Seyller, L. Moreschini, Y. S. Kim, Y. J. Chang, M. Polini, R. Asgari, A. H. MacDonald, K. Horn, and E. Rotenberg: "Effective screening and the plasmaron bands in graphene", Phys. Rev. B 84, 085410 (2012).
- I. Crassee, M. Orlita, M. Potemski, A.L. Walter, M. Ostler, Th. Seyller, I. Gaponenko, J. Chen, A.B. Kuzmenko: "Intrinsic Terahertz Plasmons and Magnetoplasmons in Large Scale Monolayer Graphene", Nano Lett., 12, 2470 (2012).
- M. Weser, E. N. Voloshina, K. Horn, and Yu. S. Dedkov, Electronic structure and magnetic properties of the graphene/Fe/Ni(111) intercalation-like system, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13, 7534 (2011).
- S. Böttcher, M. Weser, Yu. S. Dedkov, K. Horn, E. N. Voloshina, and B. Paulus, Graphene on ferromagnetic surfaces and its functionalization with water and ammonia, Nanoscale Res. Lett. 6, 214 (2011).
- A. L. Walter, K.-J. Jeon, A. Bostwick, F. Speck, M. Ostler, Th. Seyller, L. Moreschini, Y. S. Kim, Y. J. Chang, K. Horn, and E. Rotenberg, "Highly p-doped epitaxial graphene obtained by fluorine intercalation", Applied Physics Letters 98, 184201 (2011).
- Yu. S. Dedkov, K. Horn, A. Preobrajenski, and M. Fonin: "Epitaxial Graphene on Metals", Book chapter, in Graphene Nanoelectronics, Springer, Berlin (2011) - ISBN 978-3-642-20467-8.
- E. N.Voloshina, A. Generalov, M. Weser, S. Böttcher, K. Horn and Yu. S. Dedkov: "Structural and electronic properties of the graphene/Al/Ni(111) intercalation system", New J. Phys. 13, 113028 (2011).
- A. L. Walter, K.-J. Jeon, A. Bostwick, F. Speck, M. Ostler, Th. Seyller, L. Moreschini, Y. S. Kim, Y. J. Chang, K. Horn, and E. Rotenberg: "Highly p-doped epitaxial graphene obtained by fluorine intercalation", Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 184102 (2011).
- A. L. Walter, S. Nie, A. Bostwick, K. S. Kim, L. Moreschini, Y. J. Chang, D. Innocenti, K. Horn, K. F. McCarty, and E. Rotenberg: "Electronic structure of graphene on single-crystal copper substrates", Phys. Rev. B 84, 195443 (2011).
- M. Weser, Y. Rehder, K. Horn, M. Sicot, M. Fonin, A. B. Preobrajenski, E. N. Voloshina, E. Goering, and Yu. S. Dedkov, Induced magnetism of carbon atoms at the graphene/Ni(111) interface, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 012504 (2010).
- J. L. McChesney, A Bostwick, T. Ohta, Th. Seyller, K. Horn, J. González, and Eli Rotenberg Extended van Hove Singularity and Superconducting Instability in Doped Graphene. Physical Review Letters 104, 136803(2010).
- C. Enderlein, Y. S. Kim, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, and K. Horn, The formation of an energy gap in graphene on ruthenium by controlling the interface, New J. Phys. 12, 033014 (2010).
- J. H. Dil, B. Huelsen, T. U. Kampen, P. Kratzer, and K. Horn, Influence of the substrate lattice structure on the formation of quantum well states in thin In and Pb films on silicon, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22, 135008 (2010).
- J. L. McChesney, A. Bostwick, T. Ohta, Th. Seyller, K. Horn, J. Gonzalez, and E. Rotenberg, Extended van Hove singularity and superconducting instability in doped graphene, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 136803 (2010).
- J. Martinez-Blanco, M. Klingsporn, and K. Horn, Selective adsorption of coronene on Si(111)-(7 x 7) , Surf. Sci. 604, 523 (2010).
- A. Bostwick, F. Speck, Th. Seyller, K. Horn, M. Polini, R. Asgari, A. H. MacDonald, Eli Rotenberg, Observation of plasmarons in quasi-freestanding doped graphene, Science 328, 999 (2010).
- Y. J. Chang, A. Bostwick, Y. S. Kim, K. Horn, and E. Rotenberg, Structure and correlation effects in semiconducting SrTiO3, Phys. Rev. B 81, 235109 (2010).
- A. Bostwick, T. Ohta, J. L. McChesney, K. V. Emtsev, F. Speck, Th. Seyller, K. Horn, S. D. Kevan, and E. Rotenberg, The interaction of quasi-particles in graphene with chemical dopants, New J. Phys. 12, 125014 (2010).
- Y. J. Chang, A. Bostwick, Y. S. Kim, K. Horn, and E. Rotenberg, "Structure and correlation effects in semiconducting SrTiO3", Phys. Rev. B 81, 235109 (2010).
- K. V. Emtsev, A. Bostwick, K. Horn, J. Jobst, G. L. Kellogg, L. Ley, J. L. McChesney, T. Ohta, S. A. Reshanov, J. RËhrl, E. Rotenberg, A. K. Schmid, D. Waldmann, H. B. Weber, and Th. Seyller, Towards wafer-size graphene layers by atmospheric pressure graphitization of silicon carbide, Nature Materials 8, 203 (2009).
- A. K. Shukla, R. S. Dhaka, S. W. DSouza, Sanjay Singh, D. Wu, T. A. Lograsso, M. Krajčí, J. Hafner, K. Horn, and S. R. Barman, Quasiperiodic layers of free-electron metals studied using electron diffraction, Phys. Rev. B 79, 134206 (2009).
- T. Filleter, J. L. McChesney, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, K. V. Emtsev, Th. Seyller, K. Horn, and R. Bennewitz, Friction and dissipation in epitaxial graphene films, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 086102 (2009).
- Thomas Seyller, Aaron Bostwick, Konstantin V. Emtsev, Karsten Horn, Lothar Ley, Jessica L. McChesney, Taisuke Ohta, John D. Riley, Eli Rotenberg, and F. Speck, Epitaxial graphene: A new material, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 245, 1436 (2008).
- M. Moreno, A. Kumar, M. Tallarida, A. Ney, K. H. Ploog, K. Horn, Electronic signature of MnAs phases in bare and buried films grown on GaAs(001), J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 26, 1530 (2008).
- Eli Rotenberg, Aaron Bostwick, Taisuke Ohta, Jessica L. McChesney, Thomas Seyller, and Karsten Horn, Origin of the energy bandgap in epitaxial graphene, Nature Materials 7, 258(2008) (comment).
- C. Tegenkamp, T. Ohta, J. L. McChesney, H. Dil, E. Rotenberg, H. Pfnür, and K. Horn, Coupled Pb chains on Si(557): Origin of one-dimensional conductance, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 076802 (2008).
- M. Moreno, A. Kumar, M. Tallarida, K. Horn, A. Ney, K. H. Ploog, Electronic states in arsenic-decapped MnAs (1100) films grown on GaAs(001): A photoemission spectroscopy study, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 084103 (2008).
- Taisuke Ohta, Farid El Gabaly, Aaron Bostwick, Jessica L. McChesney, Konstantin V. Emtsev, Andreas K. Schmid, Thomas Seyller, Karsten Horn, Eli Rotenberg, Morphology of graphene thin film growth on SiC(0001), New J. Phys. 10, 023034 (2007).
- A.Bostwick, T.Ohta, J.L.McChesney, Th.Seyller, K.Horn, E.Rotenberg, Band structure and many body effects in graphene, European Physical Journal Special Topics 148, 5 (2007).
- V.W. Brar, Y. Zhang, Y.Yayon, A. Bostwick, T. Ohta, J. L. McChesney, K.Horn, E. Rotenberg, M. F. Crommie, Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of the inhomogeneous electronic structure in monolayer and bilayer graphene on SiC, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 122102 (2007).
- A. Bostwick, T. Ohta, J. L. McChesney, Konstantin V. Emtsev, Thomas Seyller, Karsten Horn, Eli Rotenberg, Symmetry Breaking in Few Layer Graphene Films, New Journal of Physics 9, 385(2007).
- M.N.Piancastelli, Z.Bao, F.Hennies, O.Travnikova, D.Céolin, Th.Kampen, and K.Horn Electronic and geometric structure of methyl oxirane adsorbed on Si(100) 2 x 1, Appl. Surf. Sci. 254, 108 (2007).
- T.U.Kampen, J.W.Kim, Ph.M.Schmidt, J.H.Dil, and K.Horn, Circular Dichroism of adsorbed chiral molecules, J. El. Spec. Relat.Phenom. 156, (2007).
- P.S. Kirchmann, M. Wolf, J.H. Dil, K. Horn, U. Bovensiepen, Quantum size effects in Pb/Si(111) investigated by laser-induced photoemission, Phys. Rev. B 76, 075406 (2007).
- M. Ruiz-Oses, T. Kampen, N. Gonzalez-Lakunza, I. Silanes, P. M. Schmidt, A. Gourdon, A. Arnau, K. Horn, and J. E. Ortega, Spectroscopic fingerprints of amine and imide functional groups in supramolecular monolayers, Chem. Phys. Chem 8, 1722 (2007).
- Aaron Bostwick, Taisuke Ohta, Jessica L. McChesney, Thomas Seyller, Karsten Horn, Eli Rotenberg, Renormalization of graphene bands by many-body interactions, Solid State Commun. 143, 63 (2007).
- A. Bostwick, K.V. Emtsev, K. Horn, E. Huwald, L. Ley, J.L.McChesney, T. Ohta, J.Riley, E. Rotenberg, F. Speck, and Th. Seyller, Photoemission studies of graphene on SiC: growth, interface, and electronic structure, Appl. Phys. A, in press
- Ph.Schmidt, T.U.Kampen, J.H.Dil, and K.Horn, Conformaional Isomers of Stilbene on Si(100), Surf. Sci. 601, 1775 (2007).
- M. Cranney, G. Comtet, G. Dujardin,, J.W. Kim, T. Kampen, K. Horn, M. Mamatkulov, L. Stauffer and Ph. Sonnet, Electronic structure of biphenyl on Si(100), Phys. Rev. B 76, 075324 (2007).
- A. K. Shukla, P. Krüger, R. S. Dhaka, D. I. Sayago, K. Horn, and S. R. Barman, Understanding the 2p core-level spectra of manganese: Photoelectron spectroscopy experiments and Anderson impurity model calculations, Phys. Rev. B 75, 235419 (2007).
- Taisuke Ohta, Aaron Bostwick, Thomas Seyller, J.L.McChesney, Karsten Horn, and Eli Rotenberg, Interlayer interaction and electron screening in multilayer graphene, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 206802 (2007).
- J.I. Pascual, C. Corriol, G. Ceballos, H.-P. Rust, K. Horn, J. M. Pitarke, P. M. Echenique and A. Arnau, Role of electric field in surface electron dynamics above the vacuum level, Phys. Rev. B 75, 165326 (2007).
- Aaron Bostwick, Taisuke Ohta, Thomas Seyller, Karsten Horn, and Eli Rotenberg, Quasiparticle dynamics in graphene, Nature Phys. 3, 36 (2007).
- J.W.Kim, T.U.Kampen, K.Horn, M.-C.Jung, Thermal decomposition of ehtylene on Si(111): formation of the Si(111)√3 x √3 carbon structure, Surf. Sci. 601, 694 (2007).
- T.Ohta, A.Bostwick, Th. Seyller, K.Horn, E.Rotenberg, Controlling the Electronic Structure of Bilayer Graphene, Science 313, 951-954 (2006)
- P. Moras, W. Theis, L. Ferrari, S. Gardonio, J. Fujii, K. Horn, and C. Carbone, Quasicrystalline electronic states of a one-dimensionally modulated Ag film, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96,156401 (2006)
- A.K.Shukla, R.S.Dhaka,C.Biswas,S.Banik,S.R.Barman,K. Horn, Ph.Ebert,K.Urban, Growth and electronic structures of alkali metal adlayers on icosahedral Al70.5Pd21Mn8.5, Phys. Rev. B 73, 054432 (2006)
- J. I. Pascual, A. Dick, M. Hansmann, H.-P. Rust, J.Neugebauer, and K. Horn, Bulk electronic structure of metals resolved with scanning tunneling microscopy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 046801 (2006).
- K. Horn, W.Theis, J.J.Paggel, S.R. Barman,E. Rotenberg, Ph. Ebert and K. Urban, Core and valence level photoemission and photoabsorption study of icosahedral Al-Pd-Mn quasicrystals, J.Phys. Condens.Matter 18,435 (2006)
- J.H. Dil, J.W. Kim, Th. Kampen, K. Horn, A.R.H.F. Ettema, Electron localisation in metallic quantum wells: Pb versus In on Si(111), Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Comm.) B73, 161308 (2006).
- J. W. Kim, M. Carbone, J. H. Dil, M. Tallarida, R. Flammini, M. P. Casaletto, K. Horn, and M. N. Piancastelli, Atom-specific identification of adsorbed chiral molecules by photoemission, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 107601 (2005).
- J.H. Dil, J.W. Kim, Th. Kampen, K. Horn, A.R.H.F. Ettema, Electron localisation in metallic quantum wells: Pb versus In on Si(111), Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Comm.) B73, 161308 (2006).
- M.P.Casaletto, M.Carbone, M.N.Piancastelli, K.Horn, K.Weiss, and R.Zanoni, A high resolution photoemission study of phenol adsorption on Si(100), Surface Science 582, 42 (2005).
- J. I. Pascual, G. Bihlmayer, Yu.M. Koroteev, H.-P. Rust, G. Ceballos, M. Hansmann, K. Horn, E.V. Chulkov, S. Blügel, P.M. Echenique, and Ph. Hofmann, Role of spin in quasiparticle interference,Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 196802(2004).
- K.Horn, Charging atoms one by one, Science 305, 483(2004) (Perspective Comment).
- J.H. Dil, J.W. Kim, S. Gokhale, M. Tallarida and K. Horn, Self-organization of Pb thin films on Cu(111) induced by quantum size effects: An angle-resolved photoemission study, Phys. Rev. B 70, 045405(2004).
- J.W.Kim, M.Carbone, M.Tallarida, J.H.Dil, M.P.Casaletto, R.Flamini, and M.N.Piancastelli, Adsorption of 2,3 butanediol on Si(100), Surface Science 559, 179(2004).
- S.R.Barman, C.Biswas, and K.Horn, Collective excitations on silver surfaces studied by photoyield spectroscopy, Surface Science 566-568,538(2004).
- U.Starke, M.Tallarida, A.Kumar, K.Horn, L.Seifahrt, und L.Kipp, Reconstruction of cleaved 6H-SiC surfaces, Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2003, Mat.Sci. Forum 457-460, 391(2004).
- A.Kumar, M.Tallarida, M.Hansmann U.Starke, K.Horn, Thin manganese films on Si(111)-(7 x 7): electronic structure and strain in silicide formation, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 37,1083 (2004).
- S.R.Barman, C.Biswas, and K.Horn, Electronic excitations on silver surfaces, Phys. Rev. B 69, 045413 (2004).
- Jin-Cheng Zheng, C.H.A. Huan, and A.T.S. Wee, M.A. Van Hove, C.S. Fadley, F.J. Shi, E. Rotenberg, S.R. Barman, J.J. Paggel, K. Horn, Ph. Ebert and K. Urban, Atomic Scale Structure of the 5-fold Surface of an AlPdMn Quasicrystal: a Quantitative X-Ray Photoelectron Diffraction Analysis, Phys. Rev. B 69, 134107 (2004).
- J.J.Paggel, Ch.Weindel, K.Horn, W.Mannstadt, D.Fick, Influence of bulk doping type on Li adsorption on Si(111)-(7 x 7), Phys. Rev. B 69, 035310(2004).
- M. Hansmann, J. I. Pascual, G. Ceballos, H.-P. Rust, K. Horn, Scanning tunneling spectroscopy study of Cu(554): Confinement and dimensionality at a stepped surface Phys. Rev. B 67 , 121409 (2003).
- Ph.Ebert, M.Yurechko, F.Kluge, K.Horn, K.Urban, Cleavage surfaces of quasicrystals in Quasicrystals, Structure and Physical Properties, ed. H.-R. Trebin, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2003, p. 572-597.
- W.Theis, E.Rotenberg, K.Franke, K.Horn, Electronic structure in quasicrystals and approximants in Quasicrystals, Structure and Physical Properties, ed. H.-R. Trebin, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2003,p.615-621.
- L.Aballe, C.Rogero, K.Horn, Quantum-size effects in ultrathin Mg films:electronicstructure and collective excitations, Surface Science 518 (2002)141.
- J.Schaefer, S.C.Erwin, M.Hansmann, Z.Song, E.Rotenberg, S.D.Kevan, C.S.Hellberg, und K.Horn, Random Registry shifts in Quasi-one-dimensional Adsorbate Systems, Phys. Rev. B 67, 085411(2003).
- W.Theis, E.Rotenberg, K.J.Franke, P.Gille, K.Horn, Electronic valence bands in decagonal AlNiCo, Phys. Rev.B 68, 104205 (2003).
- K.Horn, M.Moreno, M.Alonso, M.Höricke, R.Hey, J.L.Sacedon, K.H.Ploog,Photoemission from Heterojunctions with intralayers: band offset changes vs. Band bending effects Vacuum 67, 115(2002).
- E.Rotenberg, W.Theis, K.Horn,Model simulations of momentum-resolved photoemission from quasicrystals Proceedings of the Quasicrystal 2001 Conference, Sendai, Japan 2002, J.Alloys.Comp. 342, 348(2002).
- L.Aballe, C.Rogero, und K.Horn,Quantum well states in ultrathin epitaxial Mg films on Si(111) Phys. Rev. B 65, 125319 (2002).
- F.J.Palomares, M.Serrano, A.Ruiz, F.Soria, K.Horn, and M.Alonso,ARPES study of the surface states from Au/Ag(111): evolution with coverage and photon energy Surface Science 513,283-294(2002).
- M.P.Casaletto, R.Zanoni, M.Carbone, M.N.Piancastelli, K.Weiss, L.Aballe, und K.Horn,Methanol adsorption on Si(100)-(2 x 1) investigated by high resolution photoemission Surface Science 505, 251-259(2002).
- K.Horn, M.Moreno, M.Alonso, M.Höricke, R.Hey, J.L.Sacedon, K.H.Ploog, Photoemission from Heterojunctions with intralayers: band offset changes vs. Band bending effects Vacuum 67, 115(2002).
- Z.Song, J.I.Pascual, H.Conrad, K.Horn, and H.-P.Rust, Surface states of d character imaged by scanning tunneling microscop, Surface Science 491, 39(2001).
- M.P.Casaletto, R.Zanoni, M.Carbone, M.N.Piancastelli, K.Weiss, K.HornEthylene adsorption on Si(100)-(2 x 1): a high resolution photoemission study, Phys. Rev B 62, 17128 (2000).
- L.Aballe, C.Rogero, P.Kratzer, S.Gokhale, and K.Horn, Probing interface electronic structure with overlayer quantum well resonances:Al/Si(111, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 156801(2001).
- Ph.Ebert, P.Quadbeck, K.Urban, B.Henninger, K.Horn, G.Schwarz, J.Neugebauer, und M.Scheffler, Identification of surface anion antisite defects in (110) surfaces of III-V semiconductors, Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 2877 (2001).
- L. Aballe, C. Rogero, S. Gokhale, S. Kulkarni und K. Horn, Quantum-well states in ultrathin aluminium films on Si(111), Surface Science, 482 - 485, 488(2001).
- J.I.Pascual, Z.Song, J.Jackiw, K.Horn, und H.-P.Rust, Visualization of surface electronic structure: dispersion of surface states of Ag(110), Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Comm.) 63, 241103 (2001).
- P.Häberle, W.Ibañez, S.R.Barman, Y.Q.Cai, und K.Horn, Photoexcited modes in thin alkali layers adsorbed on Al, Nucl. Instr. Methods B182, 102(2001).
- Z.Song, J.I.Pascual, H.Conrad, K.Horn, und H.-P.Rust, Imaging Surface electronic Structure of NiAl(110) using low temperature scanning tunnelling microscopy, Appl. Phys. A72, S159 (2001).
- D.A.Evans, H.J. Steiner R. Middleton, T.S. Jones,C. H. Chen, K. Horn, S. Park, Th. Kampen, D. Tenne, D.R.T. Zahn, A. Patchett, I. T. McGovern, In-situ monitoring of the growth of copper phthalocyanine films on InSb by organic molecular beam deposition, Appl. Surf. Sci, 175-176, 374 (2001).
- S.R.Barman, P.Häberle, W.Ibañez, Y.Q.Cai, und K.Horn,Collective excitations in alkali metal films on Al, Phys. Rev. B 64, 195410 (2001).
- S.R.Barman, P.Häberle, K.Horn, J.Maytorena, und A.Liebsch, Quantum well behavior without confining barrier observed via dynamically screened photon field, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 5108 (2001).
- E.Rotenberg, W.Theis, K.Horn, and P.Gille, "Quasicrystalline valence bands in decagonal AlNiCo" Nature 406, 602 (2000).
- M. Moreno, M. Alonso, M. Höricke, R. Hey, K. Horn, J.L. Sacedón, und K.Horn, "Photoemission results on intralayer insertion at III-V/III-V junctions: A critical appraisal of the different interpretations", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 14, 2128 (2000).
- Ph.Ebert, K.Urban, L.Aballe, C.H.Chen, K.Horn, G.Schwarz, J.Neugebauer, und M.Scheffler,"Symmetric versus non-symmetric structure of the phosphorus vacancy on InP(110)", Phys. Rev. Lett., 84, 5816 (2000).
- K.Horn, "Photoemission studies of barrier heights in metal-semiconductor interfaces and heterojunctions", Appl. Surf. Sci. 166,1 (2000).
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- S.Krause, C.Mariani, K.C.Prince und K.Horn Screening effects in photoemission from weakly bound adsorbates: CO on Ag(110) Surface Science 138, 305 (1984).
- K.Horn, B.Reihl, A.Zartner, D.E.Eastman, K.Hermann und J.Noffke Electronic energy bands of lead: angle-resolved photoemission and band structure calculations Phys.Rev. B 30, 1711 (1984).
- D.P.Woodruff und K.Horn The surface structure of a-Sn(100) Phil. Mag. A 47,L5 (1983).
- K.C.Prince, G.Paolucci, A.M.Bradshaw, K.Horn und C.Mariani Oxygen adsorption on Ag(110): observation of a precursor state Vacuum 33, 867 (1983).
- W.Griebenow, B.Werthmann, D.Treu, K.Horn und S.Krause Zur Identifizierung von Tinten auf alten Handschriften Maltechnik Restauro 3, 208 (1983).
- D.P.Woodruff und K.Horn The surface structure of a-Sn(100) and the effect of hydrogen adsorption Vacuum 33, 633(1983).
- T.Mandel, G.Kaindl, K.Horn, M.Iwan, H.-U.Middelmann und C.Mariani Layer-dependent shifts in ionisation potential and Auger energies for Kr/Cu(110) Solid State Commun. 46, 713 (1983).
- C.Mariani und K.Horn Orientation of water adsorbed on Cu(110) Surface Science 126, 279(1983).
- S.Krause, K.Horn, W.Griebenow und F.Werthmann Bestimmung der Tintenart in alten Handschriften mittels ESCA MPG-Spiegel, Aktuelle Informationen Ausgabe 6/1982 S. 22.
- C.Mariani, H.-U.Middelmann, M.Iwan und K.Horn On the origin of satellite peaks in valence photoemission from CO on Cu(110) Chem.Phys.Lett. 93,308 (1982).
- J.W.Gadzuk, S.Holloway, C.Mariani und K.Horn Temperature-dependent photoemission line shapes of physisorbed xenon Phys.Rev.Letters 48,1288(1982).
- C.Mariani, K.Horn und A.M.Bradshaw Photoemission studies of the commensurate-incommensurate transition in the system Xe/Cu(110) Phys.Rev. B 25,779(1982).
- K.Horn, J.DiNardo, W.Eberhardt, H.-J.Freund und E.W.Plummer The adsorption of N2: chemisorbed on Ni(110) and physisorbed on Pd(111) Surface Science 118, 465(1982).
- K.Horn, C.Mariani und L.Cramer Krypton and Argon on Cu(110): Geometric and electronic structure Surface Science 117, 376 (1982).
- P.Hofmann, K.Horn und A.M.Bradshaw Orientation of adsorbed benzene from angle-resolved photoemission measurements Surface Science 105, L620 (1981).
- W.Eberhardt, E.W.Plummer, K.Horn und J.Erskine Magnetic exchange splitting of electronic surface state on Ni(110) Phys.Rev.Letters 45, 273(1980).
- A.Ortega, F.M.Hoffmann, W.Stenzel, A.Garbout, R.Unwin und K.Horn An IR and EELS study of adsorption of CO on Pd(100) Le Vide, Les couches minces Suppl. 201, 335(1980).
- P.Hofmann, C.Mariani, K.Horn und A.M.Bradshaw The characterisation of intermediates in surface reactions: the methoxy and formate species on Cu(100) Le Vide, Les couches minces Suppl. 201, 541(1980).
- K.Horn Schwingungsspektroskopie von Adsorbaten auf Metall-Einkristall-Oberflächen Nova Acta Leopoldina 1980.
- R.Unwin, K.Horn und P.Geng Photoemission from rare gas monolayers on Pd(100) Vakuum-Technik 29,149(1980).
- K.Hermann, J.Noffke und K.Horn Lateral interactions in rare gas monolayers: Band structure models and photoemission experiments Phys.Rev. B 22, 1022 (1980).
- K.Horn, N.V.Richardson, A.M.Bradshaw und J.K.Sass Adsorbate-induced resonances observed in photoemission from a c(2 x 2) sulphur overlayer on Pd(100) Solid State Comm. 32, 161 (1979).
- I.P.Batra, K.Hermann, A.M.Bradshaw und K.Horn Theoretical and experimental studies of band formation on CO adlayers Phys.Rev. B 20, 801(1979).
- P.Hofmann, C.v.Muschwitz, K.Horn, K.Jacobi, A.M.Bradshaw, und M.Scheffler Angular-resolved photoemission from an ordered oxygen overlayer on Al(111) Surface Science 89, 327(1979).
- K.Horn ,A.M.Bradshaw, K.Hermann und I.P.Batra Adsorbate band formation: the chemisorption of CO on Pd(100) Solid State Commun. 31,257(1979).
- K.Horn und A.M.Bradshaw Photoemission from single crystal xenon Solid State Commun. 30,545(1979).
- P.Hofmann, K.Horn, A.M.Bradshaw und K.Jacobi The adsorption and condensation of oxygen on Aluminium at low temperature Surface Science 82,L610 (1979).
- M.Scheffler, K.Horn, A.M.Bradshaw und K.Kambe Angular-resolved photoemission from physisorbed xenon Surface Science 80,69(1979).
- K.Horn IR reflection-absorption spectroscopy of mono- and multilayers of ethane on Pt(111) Proceedings of the Int1ernational Conference "Vibrations in adsorbed layers" KFA Jülich June 1978, p. 140.
- K.Horn, M.Scheffler und A.M.Bradshaw Photoemission from physisorbed Xenon: evidence for lateral interactions Phys.Rev.Lett. 41,822(1978).
- K.Horn, A.M.Bradshaw und K.Jacobi Angular-resolved UPS studies of the chemisorption of ethylene and acetylene on Ni(100) J.Vac.Sci.Technol.15, 575(1978).
- K.Horn, A.M.Bradshaw und K.Jacobi Angular resolved UV photoemission from ordered layers of CO on a Ni(100) surface Surface Science 72, 719(1978).
- J.K.Sass, H.J.Lewerenz, E.Piltz und K.Horn Photoemission yield study with polarised light at normal incidence: crystal symmetry effects below the direct transition threshold J.Phys. C 11, L 51 (1978).
- K.Horn und J.Pritchard IR spectra of ordered and disordered overlayers on metals: CO on a Pt(111) single crystal surface J.Physique 38, C4-164(1977).
- K.Horn, M.Hussain und J.Pritchard The adsorption of CO on Cu(110) Surface Science 63, 244(1977).
- K.Horn und J.Pritchard IR spectrum of CO chemisorbed on Cu(100) Surface Science 55, 701(1976).
- K.Horn und J.Pritchard Wavelength-modulated IR absorption spectroscopy: ethane adsorbed on Cu(110) Surface Science 52, 437(1975).
- H.Ibach, K.Horn, R.Dorn und H.Lüth The adsorption of oxygen on silicon (111) surfaces Surface Science 38,433(1973).

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