Dynamics of Correlated Materials
Dynamics of Correlated Materials
Emmy Noether Group Laurenz Rettig
Emmy Noether Group Laurenz Rettig


Welcome to the Dynamics of Correlated Materials group!

    We are an experimental research group focusing on the investigation of ultrafast processes in strongly correlated materials. Our goal is the understanding of the fundamental interactions at play on the microscopic level in such materials, leading to complex behavior. We develop and employ complementary ultrafast techniques such as time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (trARPES) and time-resolved diffraction techniques to study those elementary interaction processes and couplings across ultrafast phase transitions.




    New paper published: Ultrafast spin density wave transition in Chromium governed by thermalized electron gas
    Dec 2016
    Time-resolved ARPES allows direct access to the electronic signatures of broken symmetry phases, as well as their femtosecond dynamics. By measuring the spin density wave (SDW) transition in thin films of Cr, we study the dynamics of a phase transition in which the role of the lattice is minimized, in contrast to conventional charge density wave or superconducting materials. This allows for a more stringent test of the role played by the electronic temperature in driving materials from one phase to another under non-equilibrium conditions. By comparison with a mean field model we are able to quantitatively extract the evolution of the SDW order parameter through the ultrafast phase transition, and show that it is governed by the transient temperature of the thermalized electron gas. This shows that for phases governed by the temperature of a single sub-system (e.g. electronic, phononic) concepts from thermodynamic equilibrium are still applicable. [more...]
    New paper published: Itinerant and Localized Magnetization Dynamics in Antiferromagnetic Ho
    Jun 2016
    The exchange interaction between different magnetic moments is the dominating force determining spin ordering in magnetic materials. In particular the interplay of itinerant d-electron and localized f-electron magnetic moments in 4f metals and their alloys opens up new routes to control their magnetic behavior on ultrafast timescales. Here we use femtosecond time-resolved resonant magnetic x-ray diffraction at the Ho L3 absorption edge to investigate the demagnetization dynamics in antiferromagnetically ordered metallic Ho after femtosecond optical excitation. By tuning the x-ray energy to the electric dipole (E1) or quadrupole (E2) transition we investigated selectively and independently the spin dynamics of the itinerant 5d and localized 4f electronic subsystems. The simultaneous demagnetization of both subsystems demonstrates strong intra-atomic 4f-5d exchange coupling. The demagnetization time scales which [more...]