Ultrafast dynamics of charge-density-wave systems
Charge density waves (CDWs) are a ubiquitous phase found in a broad variety of materials and represent a central research field in condensed matter physics due to their competition and intertwining with high-temperature superconductivity. CDW formation occurs when many electrons can be excited with the same q vector of one particular phonon mode, i.e., when large regions of the Fermi surface (FS) can be connected by a single vector. In this low-temperature ground state, this phonon mode is renormalized to zero energy, which effectively freezes a periodic modulation of the crystal lattice. Concomitantly, an electronic energy gap opens up at the Fermi level and faint replica of the main bands, often termed shadow bands, appear in vicinity to the gap opening.

One of the material classes we investigate are the rare-earth tritellurides. These prototypical quasi-2D CDW compounds feature a unidirectional CDW that opens up an energy gap at the Fermi level along a specific high-symmetry direction. Utilizing a momentum microscope in combination with a pump-probe approach allows us to observe the melting and recovery of the CDW after photoexcitation over multiple Brillouin zones as a real-time process.

By analyzing the time-dependent CDW gap size and shadow band intensity, we gain direct access to the electronic order parameter of the photoinduced phase transition, which we combine with complementary time-resolved X-ray diffraction measurements of the structural dynamics. Figure 4 shows an exemplary band structure movie of TbTe3 upon photoexcitation. The ultrafast sudden optical excitation modifies the underlying potential energy surface and initiates a collective excitation of the CDW phase, manifested as a modulation of the energy gap at the Fermi level (left side). Intense excitation also launches a collective phonon mode that modulates the energetic position of specific bands (see occupied bands at 0 degrees).

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Coherent Modulation of Quasiparticle Scattering Rates in a Photoexcited Charge-Density-Wave System
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Persistent order due to transiently enhanced nesting in an electronically excited charge density wave
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