Time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is a key method to probe the electronic structure of solids. By extracting the kinetic energy and angular distribution of photoelectrons emitted by light with photon energy above the work function, one gains direct access to the material’s electronic band structure.
We extend ARPES into the time domain by applying a pump-probe scheme. In a time-resolved ARPES (trARPES) experiment, a small fraction of the electrons of the material is excited by a femtosecond (10-15 s) visible or infrared laser pulse. The excited state and its temporal evolution can be visualized by photoemission with the fs XUV laser pulse arriving at the sample at a precisely defined time after the first pulse.
This approach grants access to states which are unoccupied in equilibrium and allows studying the elementary scattering processes directly in the electronic band structure with fs temporal resolution. Studying the time and energy scales of the decay of an excited state population allows disentangling relevant interactions, which are inherently coupled in equilibrium. We also employ optical excitation as a method to manipulate and control electronic states. For example, light can be used to initiate electronic and structural phase transitions and to stabilize phases not accessible in equilibrium.

We are operating a world-leading high-repetition-rate setup for XUV trARPES, which is based on a high-power optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifier (OPCPA) laser system built in close collaboration with Ralph Ernstorfer’s Max Planch Research Group. Our approach allows us to combine the benefits of high signal-to-noise ratio at high repetition rates with large probe photon energies extending the parallel momenta accessible in the time-resolved ARPES experiment to cover the whole first Brillouin zone (BZ) of most materials.

For optimal experimental flexibility, we combine in our setup a conventional hemispherical analyzer and a novel time-of-flight-based momentum microscope. The momentum microscope allows simultaneous acquisition of the entire 3D photoelectron signale across the full momentum and energy range, which our pump-probe scheme extends to the 4-dimensional multidimensional photoelectronspectroscopy (MPES) signal I(Ekin, kx, ky, t). This approach facilitates unprecedented mapping of band structure dynamics and exhaustive comparison to band structure theory. As a complementary tool, the hemispherical analyzer provides superb statistics in a narrow 2D energy-momentum window I(Ekin, kII), and enables sensitive detection of very small transient signals.
The benefits of our novel higher-harmonic-generation-based trARPES setup are multifold: The high repetition rate XUV source in combination with the momentum microscope allows mapping the electronic structure dynamics across the full Brillouin zone. The simultaneously improved time resolution of < 40 fs facilitates detection of ever-faster phenomena such as high-frequency coherent modes. As an example, Fig. 4 shows the occupied and unoccupied electronic band structure of the quasi-2D semiconductor WSe2 after excitation with intense 800 nm pulses at pump-probe delay t = 0 fs.

WSe2 acquired with the momentum microscope (iso-energy contour
at 1.6 eV) and the hemispherical analyzer (along Σ – K)
Determination of the complete (time-resolved) electronic band structure dynamics with the momentum microscope bears an enormous potential. Most directly, it allows to track complex momentum- and energy-dependent scattering phenomena, shines light on quasiparticle lifetimes, and permits benchmark comparison to band structure theory. In addition, it allows to investigate higher-order modulation effects of the photoemission intensity, such as orbital interference, since the measurements are performed at a fixed sample-detector geometry.
- J. Maklar, S. Dong, S. Beaulieu, T. Pincelli, M. Dendzik, Y.W. Windsor, R.P. Xian, M. Wolf, R. Ernstorfer, L. Rettig
A quantitative comparison of time-of-flight momentum microscopes and hemispherical analyzers for time-resolved ARPES experiments
arXiv:2008.05829 (2020) - Rui Patrick Xian, Vincent Stimper, Marios Zacharias, Shuo Dong, Maciej Dendzik, Samuel Beaulieu, Bernhard Schölkopf, Martin Wolf, Laurenz Rettig, Christian Carbogno, Stefan Bauer, Ralph Ernstorfer
A machine learning route between band mapping and band structure
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Time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of solids in the extreme ultraviolet at 500 kHz repetition rate
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500 kHz OPCPA delivering tunable sub-20 fs pulses with 15 W average power based on an all-ytterbium laser
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